How to assign signers to a document?
How to assign signers to a document?
After reviewing the document, you can start signing and invite others to sign the document.
Start signing by assigning signers, go to Documents Waiting for signatures Select document Start signing process / Setup signers.
Select how many signers will sign the document (1-4 persons) and fill in the details (firstname, lastname, email, mobile). Note, each party assigns their own signers for the document.
Click "Begin signing".
youtPopularHow to sign a document?
How to sign a document?
After you have been assigned to sign the document, you can sign the document.
Sign the document, go to Documents You to sign Select document Sign document.
If you want, you can change the font and color or just go ahead with the default Dealsign digital signature.
Click "Sign this document".
Audit trail documentation marks your details to proof the digital signature.
Dealsign digitalSome readersHow can I send an invitation for signing?
How can I send an invitation for signing?
Dealsign has two different methods for contracting, negotiate & sign and sign-only. Sender can choose the way how to do contracts.
To send invitation for signing:
You can send a draft by clicking the pink "Send draft" button on the upper right panel on the draft editor. Go to Drafts Select draft Send draft.
When the sender creates draft and sends the "Invitation to sign" invite to the receiver party, the receiver is invited to agree the dFew readersIs Dealsign digital signature secure?
Is Dealsign digital signature secure?
Dealsign is Advanced Electronic Signature by EU and US standards (eIDAS, ESIGN). With advanced security level features, Dealsign digital signature is more secure than most other digital signature services on the market.
Users must be registered and logged in to the system when signing documents, and two-factor authentication is used when the system recognises need for extra security.
Two-factor authentication is an extra layer of security for your DealsFew readersHow to send a signature request for PDF document?
How to send a signature request for PDF document?
Go to Send & Sign PDF, click "Upload PDF" and select the document you want to get signed.
Set sender company name and select the number of signers.
Set sender signer details, and optionally notify others and write a message for your colleagues.
Set receiver company name and select number of signers.
Set receiver signer details, and optionally notify others and write a message for the receivers.
Click "Send PDF forFew readers